The Benefits of Strength Training

What Is Strength Training?

Strength training has been growing over the last few years at a faster rate. There have been many studies showing the importance of lifting heavier. There are no set exercises that are required to train for strength. To put it simply, pick a few exercises that excite you and focus on improving your technique and increasing the weight or repetitions over a period of time. 

The Benefits Of Strength Training

Many people depend on looking at the scale every day, looking for that number to drop. But sometimes the numbers can be very inconsistent, which is frustrating. Strength training can help take the focus off of the scale and shift an individual’s perspective onto the weight that is being lifted and increasing it over time.

There are so many benefits to strength training. One of the most crucial benefits to strength training is increasing bone density, especially for older individuals. More bone density means stronger bones. And so individuals that are susceptible to falling are less likely to break any bones and more likely to bounce back faster. Some other benefits are increasing metabolism, which can lead to positive body recomposition; burning more fat and building more muscle mass. Below are details on many of the benefits of strength training.

Improves Body Composition

Muscle does a much better job on utilizing calories than fat does. At Thor Strength, we find ways to make strength training more fun for each member so that they can strive to increase the weights that they lift. Over time, they start to notice that their clothes fit better. It’s much easier to increase your squat by 5lbs than lose 5lbs. Plus you get stronger and build more muscle.

Helps Manage Glucose

Strength training also can help with blood sugar levels. As the muscles start working, they pull glucose from the blood as a source of energy. This is a linear relationship; the more muscles an individual has, the more glucose can be pulled from the bloodstream. 

Reduces Levels Of Chronic Inflammation

Newer research has been pushing for motion is lotion. This means that if we injure something, it may be more useful to keep it moving to promote more blood flow. This is great because this also helps reduce inflammation. 

Injury Prevention

If you direct your training regiment towards building strength, you will decrease your chances of falling and injuring yourself. You’ll be strengthening your legs, stabilizers and reflexes. You’ll be more likely to balance better or catch yourself should you slip. Using free weights provides additional work for all stabilizers to improve. Throughout your strength training journey, you’ll be able to work on various ranges of motion to ensure that you are strong in any position. This will strengthen the ligaments and tendons, and improve mobility.

Increases Strength, Power & Endurance

If you follow a proper program correctly, not only will you get stronger, but you will improve power and endurance. Not everyone is built to go running. Not everyone wants to go running. Some programs have speed days or high rep days. Have you done 20 reps on squats? Now that’s high endurance! 

Sharpens Brain Health

Strength training also has been known to help fight against cognitive decline as we age. Technique and speed are important in strength training, which help keep us consciously trying to improve our form. There are fundamentals that everyone should learn to memorize. 

How To Maximize Strength Training Benefits

Strength training can seem overwhelming from a broad view. There are so many exercises and sets and rep schemes that you can follow.

Let’s keep it simple. Set 2-3 movements that you really want to improve. A great set and rep scheme to follow is 5 sets, 5 reps. Start with comfortable weights and look to increase by a little each week when it feels appropriate. It’s important to work submaximally, where you’re not straining to the point where form falls apart or you’re missing the last rep. In addition to these 2-3 movements, find assistance exercises that can help improve the main ones. Keep it simple and build.

In addition to programming, it is important to constantly work on nutrition, sleep and stress management. The more in tune an individual can be with these 3 other areas, the more progress you will make over time. As you slowly start to align all of these pillars to strength training, you will develop some consistency, and consistency is key.

Strength Training At Thor Strength Gym

Have we convinced you? There are so many things to gain from strength training. We understand that strength training can be intimidating. But we are here to help. We want you to learn how to safely perform each exercise and progress in a slow, methodical way. Join today to get started on the right foot!


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